Dolmexica Infinite Archive
A downloadable old version
Dolmexica Infinite is an in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, Web and Windows.
Complete changelog is at https://captaindreamcast.github.io/DolmexicaInfinite/history.html
Controls for Windows/Web:
- Movement - Arrow keys
- Weak punch - Q
- Medium punch - W
- Strong punch - E (Note: KFM does not have a strong punch)
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - S
- Strong kick - D (Note: KFM does not have a strong kick)
- Start - Enter
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape
Controls for Dreamcast:
- Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
- Weak punch - X
- Medium punch - Y
- Strong punch - L (Note: KFM does not have a strong punch)
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - B
- Strong kick - R (Note: KFM does not have a strong kick)
- Start - Start
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)
Controls for Vita:
- Movement - D Pad or Left Analog stick
- Weak punch - Square
- Medium punch - Triangle
- Strong punch - Left shoulder button (Note: KFM does not have a strong punch)
- Weak kick - X
- Medium kick - Circle
- Strong kick - Right shoulder button (Note: KFM does not have a strong kick)
- Start - Start
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - X+Circle+Square+Triangle+Start
Additional notes:
- KFM character and stage made by Elecbyte: http://www.elecbyte.com/mugendocs-11b1/mugen.html
- This is an early in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, so all glitches, false behaviours and other uncanny stuff happening with the characters/stages are not the original creators' fault, but rather reflect this developmental status.
- The more technical Mugen-on-Dreamcast stuff should go in this thread if possible: http://dreamcast-talk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3320
- The Dreamcast version does currently not support 50Hz mode, so please make sure your TV can display 60Hz (or use a VGA cable). This will be added in a later version.
- Source code is on github: http://github.com/CaptainDreamcast/DolmexicaInfinite/
Thanks for playing/testing!
Status | Released |
Author | Captain Dreamcast |
Genre | Fighting |
Install instructions
Extract the folder and open DolmexicaInfinite[Version].exe.
Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (https://www.afterdawn.com/software/cd_dvd/burning/padus_disc_juggler.cfm). CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -Dolmexica Infinite [Version] executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.
Transfer the .vpk to a Vita and install it from VitaShell. For info on how to jailbreak your Vita, refer to the information in this guide. In addition to that, libshacccg.suprx (a Vita shader compiler needed by vitaGL) needs to be extracted on your Vita. For information on how to extract libshacccg.suprx, please follow the information provided in this guide. The Vita emulator Vita3K is not supported currently.