Agent Dudley in: Casino Chloride
When former Bank of England analyst with a silly name, NeverPeace, disappears with 12 bazillion fighting pounds (roughly 12 bazillion fighting dollars), MI6 sends its best fighting agent Dudley (played by Dudley) and his handler NC (played by Doug Walker) to recover the stolen assets at the nebulous Casino Chloride (played by various casinos and twitch streams). He has the license to fight, but will that help him against the unknown NeverPeace, the mysterious bombshell B. Jenet (played by B. Jenet) and the non-villanous casino owner Natrium (played by that one SNK boss with only one eye)? Explosions, car chases, shocking villain reveals and as much more as a fighting engine permits, all happening in "Casino Chloride!" (played by Dolmexica Infinite, which in turn is a Mugen interpreter for Windows/Web/Dreamcast).
Controls for Windows/Web:
- Instant Win - F1
- Movement - Arrow keys
- Weak punch - Q
- Medium punch - W
- Strong punch - E
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - S
- Strong kick - D
- Start - Enter
- Advance text during cutscenes - A
- Movement during cutscenes - Arrow keys
- Full screen: CTRL + Enter for Windows / Button for Web
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape
Controls for Dreamcast:
- Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
- Weak punch - X
- Medium punch - Y
- Strong punch - L
- Weak kick - A
- Medium kick - B
- Strong kick - R
- Start - Start
- Advance text during cutscenes - A
- Movement during cutscenes - D Pad or Analog stick
- Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)
Additional notes:
- KFM character and stage made by Elecbyte:
- Character sources: Dudley, Son Goku, B. Jenet, Ghetto War Machine, Dudley's car, NeverPeace's car, NeverPeace, Natrium
- Stage sources: Casino Entrance, The Cage, Hotel Room, Saltybet Casino, Freeway, The Saltmine
- This is an in-development Mugen interpreter for Dreamcast, so all glitches, false behaviours and other uncanny stuff happening with the characters/stages are not the original creators' fault, but rather reflect this developmental status.
- The Dreamcast version does currently not support 50Hz mode, so please make sure your TV can display 60Hz (or use a VGA cable).
- Source code is on github:
Thanks for playing!
Install instructions
Extract the folder and open CasinoChloride.exe.
Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 ( CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -Dolmexica Infinite Demo 13 executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.
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Any way I can know what program you used to make the cut scenes?
Might want to put an epilepsy warning on this due to the flashing light that happens at points
I wish there were more story mode games tbh
if you want a movelist for this game only a few characters have one go to description and click the link and im pretty sure that the ones that have movelists are son goku,dudlys car,and neverpeaces car