Sorry I had to reach out to you like this, you know the only thing they are not watching are the Ludum Dare 56 submissions. This is a true tale that happened not too long ago. Okay, technically a couple thousand years ago, the whole David and Goliath thing. But it could happen again. With robots and stuff. Frankly, robots make this only likelier if you really assume a thinker pose and think about it seriously. So I want to show you something that is probably* most likely* pretty much provenly* already in the works from the guys above. A real... tallspiracy.

* No warranty, besides it's pretty much proven, you don't have to look into it or ask for sources or stuff

Controls (PC/Web):

WASD + Mouse style

  • WASD - Movement
  • Mouse - Move Target Rectangle
  • Left mouse button - Shoot
  • Right mouse button - Spear attack (the apex melee weapon)
  • Enter - Exit title screen, game over screen
  • Esc - Pause game
  • F8 - Fullscreen under Web
  • Alt+Enter - Fullscreen under Desktop

Controls (Dreamcast)

Headhunter config (Face button movement + analog stick controls rectangle)

  • ABXY - Movement
  • Left analog stick - Move Target Rectangle
  • R Trigger - Shoot
  • L Trigger - Spear attack (still probably apex, but since writing above slightly less enthusiastic about it)
  • Start - Exit screens
  • A - Advance texts
  • ABXY+START -> Return to title screen, on title screen return to Dreamcast menu

This was a very experimental Ludum Dare for me. I tried to cut off a lot of fat. Scoped a lot lower, reduced the intro/outro a bit (but on reinspection I just babbled longer in the voice lines, alas), and tried to keep it relatively short and simple. Schedule-wise it went a lot better this time than usual, that is something at least. The theme was pretty open (e.g. I couldn't come up with good gameplay for it and offloaded the theme into the story) so I went with gameplay I hadn't tried before, one of those mouse-controlled top-down shooters (there's a bit of effort to make them work with the Dreamcast controller). Was a pretty fun genre to work with! I hope it's not too barebones and you can at least get a little something out of it. Thanks a lot for checking it out/playing/rating it!

Published 9 days ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows
AuthorCaptain Dreamcast


David vs Goliath for 23 MB
David vs Goliath for 20 MB

Install instructions


Extract the folder and open DavidVsGoliath.exe.


Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (  CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -David vs Goliath executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.

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