A downloadable wild wild western for Windows

Note: Please play this game with a controller (even on Windows). Sorry to all of you putting away their Dreamcast fishing rods in disappointment.

Controls for Windows/Web:

  • Shooting  (when pointing the gun) - Right Trigger
  • Reloading (when not pointing the gun) - Left Trigger
  • Point the gun - Analog Stick or D Pad
  • Move left - Left button (X on an Xbox controller)
  • Move right - Right button (B on an Xbox controller)
  • Close the game from the title screen/Return to title screen - Escape

Controls for Dreamcast:

  • Shooting  (when pointing the gun) - Right Trigger
  • Reloading (when not pointing the gun) - Left Trigger
  • Point the gun - Analog Stick or D Pad
  • Move left - X
  • Move right - B
  • Return to title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)

Saddle up and save the day!

Scorching heat in the desert sun.

A woman, abducted by a greasy bandit.

The mysterious one-armed stranger just passing by.

The stage is set for an unforgettable adventure in the Wild West! Can you save the lady and get the bounty.

A brand new  Western game riding its way to the Sega Dreamcast in 2017!

(La Morte di un Cane is one of my silly smaller games, so please don't go in expecting something grand, ok?)

Additional notes:

Thanks for playing!


La Morte di un Cane for Dreamcast.zip 1.6 MB
La Morte di un Cane for Windows.zip 1.8 MB

Install instructions


Extract the folder and open LaMorteDiUnCane.exe.


Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (https://www.afterdawn.com/software/cd_dvd/burning/padus_disc_juggler.cfm).  CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -La Morte di un Cane executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.

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