Controls for Windows/Web:

  • Move cursor - Arrow keys
  • Make selection - A
  • Skip prologue text - Start
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape

Controls for Dreamcast:

  • Move cursor - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Make selection - A
  • Skip prologue text - Start
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)

A new age dating simulator!

It's a problem every man knows. The more girlfriends you have, the harder it gets to keep them apart.

On his deathbed, Heff Hughner implores his son, Heff Hughner Jr., with an incredibly important mission: Getting no less than five girlfriends at the same time!

A brand new dating sim cupiding its way to the Sega Dreamcast in 2017!

Please do not attempt this, or anything even remotely resembling this, in real life.

(Objectification is one of my silly smaller games, so please don't go in expecting something grand, ok?)

Additional notes:

Thanks for playing!

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
AuthorCaptain Dreamcast
TagsComedy, Dark Humor, Dating Sim, Ludum Dare 40, Photorealistic


Objectification for 6.2 MB
Objectification for 17 MB

Install instructions


Extract the folder and open Objectification.exe.


Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (  CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -Objectification executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.

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