Albert Einstein famously said only 0.001% of humanity are able to solve this riddle. Now it's here again! In game form! Are you a BAD enough dude to ferry some critters?

Controls for Web/Windows:

  • Flip page - A, Enter, Right Arrow key
  • Select - Arrow keys
  • Confirm selection - A
  • Advance Text - A
  • Fast-forward text - Enter

Controls for Dreamcast/Controller:

  • Flip page - A, Enter, Right D-Pad
  • Select - D-Pad
  • Confirm selection - A
  • Advance Text - A
  • Fast-forward text - Enter

Thanks a lot for playing!

PlatformsWindows, HTML5
Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(4 total ratings)
AuthorCaptain Dreamcast
Tagscabbage, goat, wolf


The dude with a wolf a goat and a cabbage - A modern interpretation for 6.8 MB
The dude with a wolf a goat and a cabbage - A modern interpretation for 6 MB

Install instructions


Extract the folder and open DudeWolfGoatCabbage.exe.


Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (  CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -Cabbage executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.


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Chrome on Windows, works fine? 3 privacy addons so that's probably not the problem.

This was interesting. Probably the most entertaining version of this problem I have ever encountered.

The screen is black for me. I here audio, but cannot see text.

The web version? I have this with Chrome on some machines, unfortunately I can't pin down where it's coming from, the best recommendation I can give is to try another browser or the Windows version.


Yep, I'm using Chrome. I'll try again in FireFox later.


Truly a cerebral game for the big-brained brain-boy.