An anthology of short (fighting) stories about great (fighting) moments playing out a little differently.

Note: This is a Dolmexica Infinite mod, which in turn is a Mugen interpreter for Windows/Web/Dreamcast.

Controls for Windows/Web:

  • Movement - Arrow keys
  • Weak punch - Q
  • Medium punch - W
  • Strong punch - E
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - S
  • Strong kick - D
  • Start - Enter
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - Escape

Controls for Dreamcast:

  • Movement - D Pad or Analog stick
  • Weak punch - X
  • Medium punch - Y
  • Strong punch - L
  • Weak kick - A
  • Medium kick - B
  • Strong kick - R
  • Start - Start
  • Return to title screen / Exit the game from title screen - A+B+X+Y+Start (Standard Dreamcast combo)

Additional notes:

Thanks for playing!

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 3.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorCaptain Dreamcast
TagsAlternate History, bootleg-fighter, Comedy


What if for 39 MB
What if for 31 MB

Install instructions


Extract the folder and open WhatIf.exe.


Burn the .cdi file to a CD-R using Padus Discjuggler 6.0 (  CD-RWs will not work. Burn at slow speeds, if possible. Put the CD-R in your Dreamcast. If it shows -Dolmexica Infinite Demo 11 executable- during the Sega logo screen, you did everything correctly.


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Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for checking it out and letting me know about the slow performance! Could you also let me know which version you tried? Dreamcast still runs somewhat poorly, that's unfortunately expected. Other than that, the Web version has been having issues under recent Firefox versions. For some reason they don't like how the game is (supposed to be) running at fixed 60 fps anymore, throttling it a lot and leading to poor performance. Still don't have a fix for that unfortunately, best I can do right now is to recommend trying it with another browser if possible. 


is there gonna be a part 2 this game rules


How does OSU mode work?

Directional inputs are always valid, button inputs are only valid in accordance with the beat. There are also freestyle sections (which replace the spinners from the original Osu), during which all input is valid.

The general documentation can be found here: